Wednesday, 31 July 2013


I received a call from the tiler last Friday suggesting we meet up to discuss the layout of our tiles. He felt the lay out we had initially picked wasn't going to look all that great due to the slight difference in size of the two tiles - a whole 2mm !! Upon much deliberation and some good advice, we opted to have them laid horizontally, upon the tilers recommendation. We are very happy with the result.  


 Powder room


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Cabinetry installed and painting on the go

Our cabinetry has been installed , and I'm really happy with my colour choices. Unfortunately the cabinet makers have given me the wrong drawer fronts, new ones have been ordered , just a waiting game now. Also painters are in, and are doing a wonderful job.

We have gone for Dulux White Duck half strength on the walls.

Our drawer fronts are meant to be individual profiles, not forming a single panel if that makes sense. We have gone Cashmere in Vinyl Wrap with Organic White Caesarstone. I like the colour combo.

We still have overhead glass fronted cupboard doors and splashback to be installed.  

Oh Shit !!!

Yep, I could think of nothing more fitting for the title of todays post. Everything up to this point has been running very smoothly, had to be too good to last. SS contacted me today to inform me of our plumbing problems. Turns out our sewerage tie on our property is about 900mm to high for us to connect to. They are trying to get Yarra Valley Water to admit fault and fix the problem, worse case scenario we will have to install a pump system.  You know the age old saying " Shit doesn't run up hill ." So we may be up that well known creek !!! Fingers, crossed.  

It's been a while ...

It's been quite some time since I've written here. I have been meaning to, but you know how it is, life just gets in the way some times.
 From my son breaking his finger, with on going hospital appointments, to us losing Taz, our furry feline buddy of 12 yrs.

On a brighter note, we adopted little Scout, a ginger kitty, who was abandoned in a box on the side of the road, and we have a new addition to our family on his way in 2 days. Zeus, a Bengal Kitten. We are all very excited.

The house is coming along in leaps and bounds, so much has progress has been made !!



Frame was completed in a little under 2 weeks. Mick who is a chippie by trade was impressed with the workman ship.

Roof tiles are on, timber windows are stained, plaster has been hung and our bricks are nearly all laid. Loving the over all look and our drive under portico. So exciting !!!